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Dog Crossbreeds - popular mixed breeds in the UK

22 September 2023

Crossbred or mixed breed dogs are more pupular than ever, so why do people love these mixed breeds? Well, in addition to being super cuties, they tend to have less hereditary health problems too. They can also be useful for those looking for a lower allergen dog, with owners able to adopt spaniels with the coat of a poodle in breeds like cockapoos and cavapoos. And they often get the best from both breeds, so have amazing traits from more than one breed!

What are the most popular crossbreeds on BorrowMyDoggy?

1. Cockapoo

BorrowMyDoggy has 27000 Cockapoo members over the UK and Ireland. These popular pups, a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle can make fantastic family pets, and their hypoallergenic coat can be helpful for those with allergies.  Due to different types of cocker spaniel (working, show, American) and sizes of poodle (Toy, Miniature, Standard) there are lots of different looking cockapoos, leading to an exciting variety of colours and sizes of these pawsome pooches.

“Mylo is the cutest pup….He is a cockapoo who loves people and children. He is energetic, friendly and loves playtime.” - Mylo the Cockapoo’s owner, Yash

Mylo, the Cockapoo
Mylo, the Cockapoo

2. Cavapoo

With 11000 BorrowMyDoggy doggy members is the gorgeous Cavapoo. Take the adorable, loving nature of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and cross with the faithfulness and intelligence of a Poodle and you come up with an absolutely pawfect pal that just loves family life and playtime.

“Lilo is a young puppy that has lots of energy, but also takes lots of naps. She loves cuddles and belly rubs, and will happily watch TV with you on the sofa, as well as having a lovely walk.” Lilo the Cavapoo’s owner, Emily

Lilo, the Cavapoo
Lilo, the Cavapoo

3. Lurcher

A crossbreed that’s been recognised a lot longer than the more modern, often poodle, crosses, is the gorgeous Lurcher. With 5000 on BorrowMyDoggy,  Lurchers are crossbreeds of a sighthound and another breed, usually a working or terrier type. Although originally bred as working dogs, lots of Lurchers now absolutely love a fun family day out, followed by some serious snoozing.

“Duffy loves meeting people. She's very affectionate, and loves having a fuss and a cuddle but also spends much of her time gently snoring in positions of varying inelegance” Duffy the Lurcher’s owner, Joanna

Duffy, the Lurcher
Duffy, the Lurcher

4. Cavachon

The ever popular Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is now also commonly crossed with the floofy Bichon Frisé resulting in the simply adorable Cavachon. BorrowMyDoggy has 5000 Cavachon members. They are often described as loving and affectionate dogs that enjoy being the centre of attention.

“Pickles loves chasing her ball and playing. Her favourite place to walk is in the woods and she loves cuddles and belly scratches. She’s just the most loving and cute dog” Pickles the Cavachon’s owner, Pauline

Pickles, the Cavachon
Pirckles, the Cavachon

5. 'Heinz 57'

As well as these pawsome pups, BorrowMyDoggy has 89,000(!) pooches described as simply ‘crossbreeds’.  These crossbreeds can be more unusual mixes of two breeds, or a good old Heinz 57, an affectionate term for dogs often with unknown heritage. These puppers benefit from hybrid vigour, which can mean healthier pooches as they are not as affected by inbreeding issues like purebred dogs.  They take on the traits of whatever mix they might be, and are often popular in the park for their unique looks, with dog lovers trying to work out their breed!

“We had Toby’s DNA tested - he's a Heinz 57! West highland white terrier, Chinese crested, border collie.. name it, it's in there. He's been an utter delight from day one and  he and his new sister get on brilliantly and love to spend their time hunting in the undergrowth!” Toby’s owner, Arlene

Toby, the Crossbreed
Toby, the Crossbreed

Breed Guides

Crossbreed Dog Breeds

International Dog Breeds

Irish Dog Breeds

Japanese Dog Breeds

Rare Dog Breeds

Royal Dog Breeds

Scottish Dog Breeds

Welsh Dog Breeds

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