Nothing makes us smile more at BorrowMyDoggy HQ than hearing members happy stories. From borrowed dogs attending borrower’s weddings to owners being helped in a time of need - we have a truly amazing community.
So when we were surfing our social media and found borrower Ellen’s amazing letter to her borrowed dog Alfie we just had to share it with the rest of our members.
Her beautiful words really touched us, especially our founder Rikke who got back in touch via Twitter. Here is her BorrowMyDoggy story:
"I was gifted a membership as a secret Santa present by my housemate last year. Living in a shared house of 8 means it’s unfair and impractical to have a dog of my own and this seemed the best of both worlds at the time. At that point, I had no idea that within the space of a week my mum would be diagnosed with breast cancer and my dad would pass away. When that did happen at the beginning of this year, I lost all sense of purpose and I was later diagnosed with depression. I started having Alfie regularly and he was easier to talk to than anyone else. Just having his company when I was in the house alone during the day made sure I kept a routine. Those small steps snowballed into my getting some formal help and counselling and I’m well on my way to being back to my usual self! Alfie has changed my life and I’ve no doubt I owe some of my recovery to him!"

We absowoofly love hearing our members happy stories so if you’d like to share yours, please email us at