"I found it very difficult trying to balance work, life and puppy care. I worked from home and thought in theory I would be able to handle caring for a dog but life became very difficult and I considered giving Honey up, as I felt like wasn't doing a very good job. I found myself looking for alternative solutions and found BorrowMyDoggy. I met the first borrower in the park and we walked and talked until I felt they would be a good match for us.
We have been part of the community for several years now and have met such lovely people. I've found the enthusiasm borrowers have for walks with Honey, really uplifts me, they love my dogs joyous greetings, the free time I gain is a huge blessing, my dog has lots of play time so we are all happy. I love that borrowers have their reasons for needing to borrow a dog. From needing to get out of the house, to shift depression, to destress, for exercise or to fulfil the desire to be with a dog and out in nature.
I really appreciate being part of the BorrowMyDoggy community and recommend it to anyone to give it a try as you never know it could be one of the best things you have ever done!" - Honey Blossom's, owner Sally.