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Three people and two dogs all look relaxed and happy in a park on a sunny day

Kara, Amélie, Martin, Cherie and Rebecca

Owner Martin joined BorrowMyDoggy 3 years ago, and is still reaping all of the benefits. He shares how “it’s a win for the dogs to get extra walks, it’s a win for owners because they get time off, and it’s a win for the borrowers who don’t have dogs of their own, but love them.”

Trainee doctors Cherie and Rebecca joined BorrowMyDoggy as a break from their hectic and somewhat demanding studies. As they share, “we’ll often have had really stressful days dealing with quite tough situations, and then we’ll take the dogs out for a walk and you instantly feel so much more relaxed.”

As a psychotherapist, do you believe borrowing can positively impact on people’s lives?

How does borrowing a dog affect your mood?

How has BorrowMyDoggy improved your social life?

Are your dogs more socialised since joining BorrowMyDoggy three years ago?

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Want to hear about a different kind of dog care that both you and your dog will love?

Or perhaps you're a dog lover who can't have one of your own right now?

We have the pawfect solution: BorrowMyDoggy!

How it works
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