BorrowMyDoggy Logo
Three smiling people and two dogs are sitting in a park in front of a water feature

Roscoe, Lil, Jess, Frank and Mimi

With two big dogs, owners Jess and Frank understood the importance of finding a borrower nearby who could help out with not only looking after Roscoe and Lil, but also to be consistent with their training. As they shared, “we needed someone who was comfortable with big dogs and looking after them in the right way. Our borrower, Mimi, offered to come with us when we were going to dog training. Just having someone that you can really trust and know that they really want to see the dogs is good.”

For dog-lover Mimi, “borrowing Roscoe and Lil makes me so happy, and I get great pleasure out of knowing that I’m also helping other people, whilst having the best time ever! I never realised how, when you’re with a dog, it opens up this whole new social network - you have these random strangers stopping and talking to you.”

Why did you choose BorrowMyDoggy for Roscoe and Lil?

How important was it that you found someone who followed the dogs' routines and training?

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Want to hear about a different kind of dog care that both you and your dog will love?

Or perhaps you're a dog lover who can't have one of your own right now?

We have the pawfect solution: BorrowMyDoggy!

How it works
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